Tataupa Tinamou

     The Tataupa Tinamou is a type of Tinamous commonly found in the dry forests of subtropical and tropical regions in south-eastern South America. It is principally an inhabitant of semi-deciduous woodland, second growth, and occasionally more open areas, including field edges.

     In general, the Tataupa tinamou resembles the Small-Billed Tinamou, but is marginally larger overall, with a bright red bill, and dark-purplish legs. The upper side is principally dark-brown, while the underparts are rather paler, mainly of a greyish color. The Tataupa tinamou has also a white throat, and a pinkish-buff belly. Four subspecies are generally recognized for this bird, which largely differ in the overall coloration and size.

     The Tataupa tinamou’s nest is located on the ground in dense brush or between raised root buttresses. The male incubates the eggs which may come from as many as 4 different females. Then he will raise the hatchlings until they are ready to be on their own, usually for 2 – 3 weeks.


Place of originThe eastern third of South America, Peru and Bolivia
UseGame hunting and preservation

Male: 169 – 229 g

female: 189 – 298 g

Egg colorOlivaceous-grey to pale chocolate-brown


743px Crypturellus tataupa  Piraju Sao Paulo Brasil 8 - Tataupa Tinamou
The Tataupa Tinamou by Dario Sanches
Crypturellus tataupa   Tataupa tinamou - Tataupa Tinamou
The Tataupa Tinamou by Hector Bottai
Crypturellus tataupa   Parc des oiseaux 02a 1 - Tataupa Tinamou
Tataupa Tinamou chicks by Totodu74