Scots Grey Chicken

     The Scots Grey is a breed of Chickens originated in Scotland, where it has been bred for more than two centuries. The bird is known with its hardiness and abilities to thrive in any climate conditions. 

     The Scots Grey is a tall, upright chicken, with a single comb and bright red face and earlobes. It’s a dual-purpose chicken breed, which is kept for both meat and eggs production. Scots Grey hens are good layers of large white eggs (180 – 200 eggs per year), but they are non-sitters.

     The Scots Grey is an active chicken that does best under free-range conditions as it’s a good forager. It comes in a single color-variety; the plumage is barred, the ground color is steel-grey and the markings are larger in hens than in cocks. 

     The Scots Grey’s plumage markings are very similar to those of the barred Plymouth Rock, but the Scots Grey is a slenderer bird.  A bantam version is also available for this breed.


Place of originThe UK

Standard, male: 3.2 kg

female: 2.25 kg

Bantam, male:  620 – 680 g

female:  510 – 570 g

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorWhite
Egg colorWhite


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The Scots Grey rooster by Peter Hogbin
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The Scots Grey rooster by rusty_dragonfly
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The Scots Grey hen by Julian Walker