Rhode Island Red Chicken

     The Rhode Island Red is a breed of Chickens which got developed in the US state of Rhode Island. A large variety of other chicken breeds were used in developing this bird, but from the black-red Malay it got its deep color, strong constitution, and relatively hard feathers.

     The Rhode Island Red is the state bird of Rhode Island, and probably the best-known breed of chickens in the world today. It is a utility chicken, which is raised for both meat and eggs production, and also as a show bird. The Rhode Island Red is a popular choice for backyard flocks because of its egg laying abilities and hardiness. The hens are prolific layers of light brown eggs (up to 260 eggs per year), but they rarely go broody.

     Rhode Island Reds’ plumage is a dark rich glossy-red in roosters, being slightly less glossy in hens. The bird has also been used in developing many modern hybrid breeds, mainly due to improving egg laying abilities. Rhode Island Reds have single combs (some are rose-combed too), red earlobes, and bright-yellow legs. A bantam version is also available for this breed.


Place of originThe USA

Standard, male: 3.9 kg

female: 3 kg

Bantam, male: 965 g

female: 850 g

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorYellow
Egg colorBrown


Rhode Island Red Rooster - Rhode Island Red Chicken
A Rhode Island Red rooster by Vitag
hen 4782935 1920 1 - Rhode Island Red Chicken
A Rhode Island Red hen
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A Rhode Island Red hen by sean mason