Red-Winged Tinamou

     The Red-Winged Tinamou is a relatively large ground-living Tinamou from central and eastern South America. It’s distinguished by the reddish-brown edges to the wing, which are clearly visible in flight and hence comes the name.

     The Red-Winged tinamou has a black crown, greyish-brown upperparts and wings, white throat and yellowish legs. Actually, there are 3 recognized subspecies for this birf that mainly differ in coloration and barring. The Red-Winged tinamou occurs in southern South America, east of the Andes, in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.

     The breeding season of the Red-Winged tinamou is thought to vary with location, occurring from August to January in Brazil. Female birds lays up to 5 reddish purple and sometimes white eggs per each. And more than one female may lay eggs in a single nest. The male Red-Winged tinamou does the incubation which lasts for 19 – 21 days and all the parental care activities. Young chicks reach adult-like plumage within about three weeks.


Place of originPeru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina
UseGame hunting and preservation

Male: 700 – 920 g

female: 815 – 1040 g

Egg colorReddish purple or sometimes white


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The Red-Winged Tinamou by Georgi Peshev
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The Red-Winged Tinamou by Bruno Girin
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The Red-Winged Tinamou by Bernard DUPONT