Pita Pinta Asturiana Chicken

     The Pita Pinta Asturiana (literally means ‘the Asturian Painted Chicken’), is the only Chicken breed indigenous to the principality of Asturias, in north-western Spain. This breed is of Atlantic-type, and shares origins with other Spanish breeds such as; the Euskal Oiloa.

     Pita Pinta chickens are medium to large-sized compact chickens, with single combs, and red earlobes. They have yellow legs with black spots, and come in four color-varieties which are; ‘Pinta Negra’ (mottled black), ‘Pinta Roxa’ (mottled red-brown), ‘Blanca’ (white), and ‘Abedul’ (black). The most commonly seen color-varieties of the Pita Pinta are the mottled-black and the mottled-brown, after which the bird got its common name.

     Pita Pinta hens are good layers of burnt-cream eggs (around 160 eggs per year of weight 60 – 65 g per each), but they rarely go broody. Simply, it’s is a utility bird with with an eye-catching looking. Also, the Pita Pinta has a friendly nature, and good foraging abilities.


Place of originSpain
UseDual-purpose and ornamental

Male: 4 – 4.5 kg

female: 2.5 – 3 kg

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorYellow
Egg colorBurnt-cream


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Mottled black Pita Pinta Asturiana chickens by Mugor
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A mottled-black Pita Pinta Asturiana rooster by Joan Grífols
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A Mottled-brown Pita Pinta Asturiana cockerel by calafellvalo