Legbar Chicken

     The Legbar is one of the first auto-sexing Chicken breeds, which was developed in Cambridge in England. The breeds involved in developing the bird, are brown Leghorns, barred Plymouth Rocks, and Araucanas in the case of cream Legbars. Araucana’s bloodlines in the cream Legbar is reflected in its crest and its blue to blue-green eggs.

     Legbar chicks can be sexed at 1-day old, according to their appearance. Female chicks in general have a broad and very dark brown stripe extending over the head, neck and rump. While, male chicks in contrast, have a much paler down shade and the pattern is blurred and washed out from head to rump. The Legbar is always single-combed, with white earlobes, and bright-yellow legs.

     Legbars are active birds that love nothing better than free-ranging to get the best food. They come in three color-varieties, all of them are barred; gold, silver and cream which is the most popular one. Legbar hens can lay 250+ eggs per year (white eggs in case of silver or gold verities, and blue-green eggs in case of Cream Legbars). But they rarely go broody. A bantam version is also available for The Legbar chicken breed.


Place of originThe UK
UseLaying eggs

Standard, male: 2.7 – 3.4 kg

female: 2 – 2.7 kg

Bantam, male: 850 g

female: 620 g

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorYellow
Egg colorCream Legbar: blue or green
Legbar: white or cream


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A cream Legbar rooster by Norma Desmond
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A cream Legbar hen by Ben n Rebecca McIntyre
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Cream Legbar pullets by normanack