Denizli Crower Chicken

     The Denizli is a rare Chicken breed that was developed in Denizli, Turkey, and hence comes the name. It’s a long-crowing chicken with roosters’ crow lasting for 15 35 seconds. The Denizli is also known to be the longest crowing chicken breed on the average.

     The Denizli has a deep breast, a squirrel tail, a long neck, and slate-blue long legs. It has also red face and earlobes, and comes with a single or a rose comb. Unfortunately, the Denizli isn’t a highly fertile chicken, so a cock should only be given 3 hens in a breeding pen. The hens lay around 70 up to 140 eggs per year and are classified as non-setters. Denizli chickens are slow to feather out, and mature at about 8 months of age.

     The Denizli comes in 5 different standardized color-varieties; ‘Demirkyr’ (a balanced mixture of black and white); ‘Pamukkyr’ (more white color than black color); ‘Kinali’ (red spots on the wings); ‘Al (Red)’ (a mixture of red and black colors); ‘Black’ (completely black, no white feathers). The Denizli’s black color-variety was developed by crossing the bird with the Japanese Tomaru. ALso, White Denizlis have been recently produced by crossbreeding the bird with the Berat crower, but they haven’t been standardized yet.


Place of originTurkey
UseMeat and crowing contests

Male: 3 – 3.5 kg

female: 2 – 2.5 kg

Comb typeSingle or rose
Skin colorWhite
Egg colorWhite


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A red Denizli Longcrower rooster
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A Demirkyr Denizli Longcrower cockerel by orientalizing
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Demirkyr Denizli Lomgcrower chickens by Sanjakcrower