Crèvecœur Chicken

     The Crèvecœur is a rare breed of Chickens, that originated in France. It got named after the town of Crèvecœur in Normandy, and is one of the oldest French chicken breeds. In fact, the Crèvecœur is thought to be the progenitor of many other French breeds such as; La Flèche, the Houdan, and the Faverolles.

     The Crevecoeur has a beautiful v-shaped comb which is enhanced by a full crest on the its head. This bird is comes in the black color-variety (other color-varieties have been recently bred but they are extremely rare), and has a beard of moderate size. The Crevecoeur has also small wattles which are partially hidden under its beard, and slate-blue legs.

     While, the Crèvecœur looks small and without much muscle, the bird fattens up to become a nice meat bird indeed. Not only that, but also the meat produced is of an excellent quality. Crèvecœur hens lay reasonable amount of chalky white eggs (around 120 – 150 eggs of weight 65 g per each), but they rarely go broody. A bantam version is also available for this fabulous breed.​


Place of originFrance
UseDual-purpose and ornamental

Standard, male: 3.6 kg

female: 2.5 – 3 kg

Bantam, male: 850 g

female: 740 g

Comb typeV-shaped comb
Skin colorWhite
Egg colorWhite


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A black Crèvecœur-like cockerel by Mackingster
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A black Crèvecœur cockerel by oneshotonepic
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A black Crèvecœur pullet