Bresse Gauloise Chicken

     The Bresse Gauloise, or La Bresse, is a breed of Chickens that originated in the historic region and former province of Bresse in France. It’s a dual-purpose chicken breed reputed to be the finest quality table chicken in the world.

     The Bresse Gauloise holds a special status governed by the French and the European Law. The bird was deemed that it must be raised to exact standards; free-ranged with no medical intervention. By doing this, the bird forages on specific soils and other wild growths of flowers and insects. As a finisher (the chicken’s final days) the Bresse Gauloise is then fed on milk, and that’s what gives it the crispy delicious flavor when grilled.

     Bresse hens also produce plenty of eggs, as they lay around 200 – 250 white eggs per year that weighs 60 g per each. But, they are usually non-sitters, and seasonable layers indeed. Four color-varieties are recognized for the Bresse Gauloise; black, blue, grey (silver-penciled), and white which is the most common and famous color-variety. Bresse Gauloise chickens have single combs, white earlobes (reddish earlobes mixed with white occur as well), and are characterized with their blue legs and feet.


Place of originFrance

Male: 2.5 – 3 kg

female: 2 – 2.5 kg

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorWhite
Egg colorWhite


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A white Bresse Gauloise rooster
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A white Bresse Gauloise hen
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White Bresse Gauloise pullets by Chabe01