Bourbonnaise Chicken

     The Bourbonnaise is a breed of Chickens from Bourbonnaise, which is a former French Province. It’s believed that these birds were developed by crossing local white French fowls (the Gâtinais) with imported breeds of Asian origins (the Brahma). Sussex bloodlines were added later which gave the Bourbonnaise its current color pattern and size.

     The Bourbannaise is a medium to large-sized dual-purpose chicken, that is relatively tall. It has a large single comb, red earlobes, and whitish-yellow legs. The Bourbannaise comes only in the columbian color-variety, which is black-tailed white with some black streaks in the neck hackles.

     Bourbannaise chickens are elegant and rustic birds, that prefers free-range rearing, and yield meat of excellent flavor. The hens of this breed are good layers of creamy-white eggs (around 200 eggs per year of weight 65 g per each). They also go broody and make excellent mothers. In general, the Bourbannaise is a docile and relatively healthy bird, which tolerates most climates.


Place of originFrance

Male: 3.5 kg

female: 2.5 kg

Comb typeSingle comb
Skin colorWhite
Egg colorCreamy-white


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A Bourbonnaise rooster by Dcrid57
4 - Bourbonnaise‎ Chicken
A Bourbonnaise hen by Dcrid57
Volailles bourbonnaises - Bourbonnaise‎ Chicken
Bourbonnaise chickens by Dcrid57