Black-Bellied Sandgrouse

     The Black-Bellied Sandgrouse is a medium-large bird in the Sandgrouse family, that breeds on dry open plains and similar habitats. It differs from its nearest geographic counterpart, the Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse, in ascending to higher altitudes, and in greater attraction to vegetation cover.

     The Black-Bellied sandgrouse usually breeds in Iberia, northwest Africa, the Canary Islands and parts of south-east Europe. The eastern subspecies is partially migrant, and is found in Kazakhstan, western China and northern Pakistan.

     Male Black-Bellied sandgrouse have grey heads, necks, and breasts, with black underparts and golden-brown upperparts with darker markings. There are white underwing coverts, a thin black border around the lower breast, and a chestnut throat patch. While, female Black-Bellied sandgrouse have browner, more finely marked upperparts, including the head and the breast. And their underparts and breast bands are identical to those of the male.

     Two subspecies are recognized for the Black-Bellied sandgrouse; the eastern subspecies and the western subspecies. The eastern race is paler and heavier than the western race, and males have yellower upperparts and greyer underparts than the western form. Female Black-Bellied sandgrouse of both subspecies are whiter below, and often inseparable.

     The breeding season of the Black-Bellied sandgrouse is slightly different from a country to another, but it’s generally in the spring. The female lays 2 – 3 eggs which are incubated by both parents for 23 28 days. And Black-Bellied sandgrouse checks usually fledge after 22 27 days.


Place of originMainly the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Islands, North-West Africa and Anatolia

Male: 400 – 550 g

female: 300 – 460 g

Egg colorPale-white with brownish markings


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The male Black-Bellied Sandgrouse by Sergey Yeliseev
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The male Black-Bellied Sandgrouse by Sergey Yeliseev
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The female Black-Bellied Sandgrouse by Sergey Yeliseev
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The female Black-Bellied Sandgrouse by Ján Svetlík