Bergische Schlotterkamm Chicken

     The Bergische Schlotterkamm is an old Chicken breed from Germany. The bird is exactly from the Bergisches Land, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in western Germany. The Bergische Schlotterkamm shares the same birthplace with the Bergische Kräher which it closely resembles.

     The Schlotterkamm is a medium-sized and dual-purpose chicken, with a large single comb, white earlobes, and slate-blue legs. This breed has been declared as a critically endangered one, due to the rise of other imported more productive chicken breeds. Luckily great efforts are being done now to protect the Schlotterkamm from extinction.

     Bergische Schlotterkamm hens are good layers of white eggs (around 150 eggs per year of weight 55 g per each), but they don’t tend to go broody. The Schlotterkamm comes in 4 color-varieties; cuckoo, silver-mottled black, gold-mottled black, and black. A bantam version is also available for this breed, but in the colors white, mottled and black.


Place of originGermany

Standard, male: 2 – 2.75 kg

female: 1.75 – 2.25 kg

Bantam, male: 1000 g

female: 900 g

Comb typeSingle comb
Egg colorWhite


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A black Bergische Schlotterkamm rooster by JürnC
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A black Bergische Schlotterkamm hen by JürnC
774px Tab48 Hühner Geflügel Album Jean Bungartz 1885 - Bergische Schlotterkamm Chicken
An illustration for a couple of Bergische Schlotterkamm chickens