Midget White Turkey

    The Midget White is a light breed of domestic Turkeys, named after its white plumage and small stature. This breed is one of the smallest standard varieties of domestic turkeys, and weighs only slightly more than the largest Chicken.

     The Midget White is sometimes confused with the Beltsville Small White, but despite the similarity, it was bred from completely different strains. These strains are mostly white commercial turkeys and the Royal Palm. While, the Beltsville Small White is slightly larger, and holds White Holland, NarragansettBronze, and Wild Turkey‘s genetics.

     The Midget White was developed in the first place to meet an anticipated demand for a small version of the famous Broad Breasted White. Since this market did not develop as predicted, it never become widely popular. However, the Midget White is still an excellent choice for small farms and homesteads. Ans that’s why the breed survived till this day. The Midget White is still classified as a critically endangered breed, but great efforts are being done to protect it from extinction.


Place of originThe USA

Male: 9.1 kg

female: 5.5 kg

Egg colorPale buff with reddish brown dots


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The Midget White tom by TheKarenD
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Midget White Turkeys by TheKarenD
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A Midget White poult by Cowgirl Jules