Chinese Monal

     The Chinese Monal is a Pheasant species restricted to the mountainous areas of southwest China. It is the largest of the three Monal species (the others are the Himalayan Monal and the Sclater’s Monal). And by mass, the Chinese monal is one of the largest pheasants after the Turkey, the Green Peafowl, and the Indian Peafowl.

     The male Chinese monal boasts extremely showy iridescent plumage. He has a large drooping purple crest, a metallic-green head and blue bare skin around the eyes. Male Chinese monals also have reddish gold mantles, black underparts and blackish, purplish-green tails. The female is more understated in appearance with grey and reddish-brown plumage, a white back, and rufous tail. Female birds are also slightly larger than their mates.

     Actually, the Chinese monal is thought to have a slow reproductive rate. As it doesn’t breed every year, and takes several years to reach sexual maturity. When they do, female Chinese monals lay clutches of three to five eggs per each between March and June. The eggs are incubated by the female only for almost 28 days.


Place of originChina
UseOrnamental and preservation

Male: 2.8 – 3 kg

female: 3 – 3.2 kg

egg colorDark brown and yellow


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The male Chinese Monal by Snowyowls
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The female Chinese Monal by eMammal
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An illustration for the male Chinese Monal