Cheer Pheasant

     The Cheer Pheasant or the Wallich’s Pheasant is a large Pheasant native to the southern foothills of the western Himalayas. Although these birds lack the color and brilliance of most other pheasant species, they are no less distinctive or beautiful.

     The Cheer pheasant has a narrow, brown hair-like crest which is considered a distinguishing feature. Male birds have red facial skin, buff-grey plumage with black bars and markings, and a long tail which is strongly barred with buff, black and brown. The female Cheer pheasant is smaller than the male, and somewhat duller in plumage and more heavily marked. She also differs in having reduced red facial skin and a shorter crest.

     Cheer Pheasants tend to be fairly gregarious for much of the year, aggregating into flocks of five to fifteen birds. But they form monogamous pairs during the breeding season from late April to June. Clutch sizes of the Cheer pheasant are relatively large, usually comprising 10 to 11 eggs. The eggs are incubated for 26 days by the female only, although the male usually remains close by. As he will help in brooding and protecting the newly hatched chicks.


Place of originPakistan, Kashmir, India and Nepal

Male: 1250 – 1800 g

female: 900 – 1360 g

Egg colorCreamy-white


1 11 - Cheer Pheasant
The Cheer Pheasant by frank wouters
The Cheer Pheasant 1 - Cheer Pheasant
The male Cheer Pheasant by Amit3333in
5 - Cheer Pheasant
The female Cheer Pheasant by Dhruvaraj S