Blue Turkey

     The Blue or the Slate is a variety of American Turkeys, which is named for its color. It is solid to ashy blue over the entire body, with or without a few black flecks. Lighter varieties of the Blue Turkey are sometimes called ‘Lavender Turkeys’.

     The Blue Turkey is believed to have evolved from crossing Norfolk Blacks, introduced to America, with some subspecies of the Wild Turkey. Due to the gene combination that produces the slate color, offspring may be black or slate blue. Usually lighter birds and black birds are being used to get the standardized color of the Blue Turkey. So breeding for show quality color (which is listed as slate or ashy blue) is a challenge indeed.

     Unfortunately, the blue turkey is listed as a critically endangered breed, perhaps due to the adoption of more productive commercial strains. But careful selection for good health, ability to mate naturally, and production attributes will return this variety to its former stature.


Place of originThe USA
UseMeat and exhibition

Male: 15 kg

female: 8.2 kg

Egg colorPale buff with reddish brown dots


5186378021 32d3ce821e b - Blue Turkey
The Blue stag by OZinOH
4895660579 3054a04e1c b - Blue Turkey
The Blue hen by slappytheseal
chickens 87103 1280 - Blue Turkey
The Blue hen